Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Future American Idol......

Ali is working on the letter "F" this week. Today we learned a song about fishies and frogs and she loves it! She keeps singing it.


And over.

And over.

I'm already prepared to have a hard time falling asleep tonight because of this catchy little tune spinning around in my head.


And over.

And over.

So, without any further ado, I give you your next......AAAAMERICAN IDOLLLL!

I heart saying "ado." Even though I'm not really sure what it means.

(Oh, and I tried to make "American" sound all exciting and dramatic like when Ryan Seacreast says it because that's how I roll.)

I heart this girl......


  1. *applauds*

    She is so adorable. And her "F" enunciation is superb.

  2. Very nice! That whole over, and over, and over thing happens over here....over, and over, and over all the time...

  3. That is absolutely teh cutest video!! I could listen to that over and over :)

    Her "F" is going great!
